Textured coating Coolwall

Coolwall: The New Standard in House Painting


In Southern California, where scorching summers and high energy costs are commonplace, homeowners are constantly searching for ways to reduce their energy consumption and maintain a comfortable indoor temperature. Texcote Coolwall is a revolutionary exterior coating system that has quickly become the new standard in exterior painting. This innovative product offers a plethora of benefits that traditional paints simply can’t match.


Benefits of Texcote Coolwall


Energy Efficiency

One of the most significant advantages of Texcote Coolwall is its ability to save homeowners money on their energy bills. The technology behind this coating system reflects solar heat, which keeps the home’s exterior cooler and reduces the need for air conditioning. In fact, studies have shown that Coolwall can lower surface temperatures by up to 40 degrees Fahrenheit, resulting in energy savings of up to 21.9%!


Traditional paints can chip, peel, and fade over time, requiring frequent touch-ups and repainting. Texcote Coolwall, on the other hand, is designed to be long-lasting and maintenance-free. Its advanced formula is resistant to chipping, peeling, and fading, ensuring that your home’s exterior will look fresh and vibrant for years to come.

Environmentally Friendly

Coolwall is environmentally friendly, boasting a low VOC (volatile organic compound) formulation that emits fewer harmful chemicals into the atmosphere. Additionally, by reducing energy consumption and the need for frequent repainting, it minimizes the impact on the environment.


Texcote Coolwall is available in a wide range of colors and finishes, allowing homeowners to achieve their desired look without sacrificing performance. Plus, its long-lasting durability means that your home’s exterior will maintain its curb appeal for years to come.


How Texcote Coolwall Works


Reflective Technology

The key to Coolwall’s impressive energy efficiency lies in its innovative reflective technology. The coating contains microscopic reflective particles that bounce solar heat away from the home, keeping the exterior cooler and reducing the amount of heat transferred indoors.

Breathable Coating

In addition to its reflective properties, Texcote Coolwall features a breathable coating that allows moisture to escape from the walls. This helps prevent water damage and mold growth, ensuring the longevity of your home’s exterior.


Application Process


Surface Preparation

Proper surface preparation is crucial for the success of any exterior coating project. Before applying Texcote Coolwall, the surface must be clean, dry, and free of any loose or peeling paint. This may involve power washing, scraping, and sanding to create a smooth, clean surface for the coating to adhere to.

Primer Application

Once the surface is prepared, a high-quality primer is applied to ensure proper adhesion of the Coolwall coating. This step is essential for the long-lasting performance of the Texcote Coolwall system.

Coolwall Coating Application

After the primer has been applied and allowed to dry, the Coolwall coating is applied in one or more coats, depending on the specific requirements of the project. The coating is typically applied using a spray gun, ensuring an even and consistent finish.


Choosing the Right Coolwall Contractor


When it comes to applying Coolwall, it’s essential to choose a contractor with experience and expertise in this specific coating system. Look for a contractor who is certified by Texcote and has a proven track record of successful Coolwall installations. Don’t be afraid to ask for references and check online reviews to ensure you’re hiring a reputable professional.


Texcote Coolwall vs. Traditional Paints


When comparing Texcote Coolwall to traditional exterior paints, it’s clear that Coolwall offers several advantages. The energy efficiency, durability, and environmental benefits of this innovative coating system make it a smart investment for Southern California homeowners.

Not only will you save money on your energy bills, but you’ll also enjoy a longer-lasting, more attractive exterior that requires little to no maintenance. While the upfront cost of Coolwall may be higher than traditional paint, the long-term savings and benefits make it a wise choice.




Coolwall has quickly become the new standard in Southern California house painting, offering homeowners an energy-efficient, durable, and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional exterior paints. With its impressive reflective technology, Coolwall keeps homes cooler in the scorching Southern California heat, reducing energy consumption and providing significant cost savings. By choosing Texcote Coolwall for your home’s exterior, you’ll be making a smart investment in both your home’s appearance and its long-term performance.




  1. Is Texcote Coolwall more expensive than traditional paint? While the initial cost of Coolwall may be higher than traditional paint, the long-term energy savings, durability, and low maintenance make it a cost-effective option in the long run.
  2. How long does the Coolwall application process take? The duration of the application process depends on the size of your home and the complexity of the project. However, the process typically takes a few days, including surface preparation, primer application, and Coolwall coating application.
  3. Can I apply Coolwall myself? It’s highly recommended to hire a certified Texcote Coolwall contractor to ensure proper application and long-lasting results. The application process requires specialized equipment and expertise.
  4. Does Texcote Coolwall require any special maintenance? Coolwall is designed to be low maintenance, requiring little to no upkeep. Its durability and resistance to chipping, peeling, and fading mean that you won’t need to repaint or touch up your home’s exterior for years to come.
  5. Is Texcote Coolwall available in different colors and finishes? Yes, Texcote Coolwall is available in a wide range of colors and finishes, allowing you to achieve your desired look without sacrificing performance.


Ready to enhance your Southern California home’s energy efficiency and curb appeal with the new standard in Southern California home painting? Contact Tidal Remodeling today to schedule a consultation and receive a free estimate! Take the first step towards a cooler, more efficient home by clicking here: Schedule your free consultation today!

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