Experience the Tidal Difference in Residential Solar Installation

Innovative, sustainable, and reliable San Diego solar installation services tailored to your needs.

Aptos Panels

American Made

Energy Independence

"...They took the time to thoroughly explain the different solar options available to me and helped me understand why purchasing my solar system was the best choice for my family..."

Angela Cruz, Chula Vista

Is Solar Worth it?

For most, yes.

At Tidal Remodeling, we believe in the power of solar energy. California currently generates 20% of its power through solar energy, with plans to increase it to 60% by 2030. With such ambitious goals, it's no surprise that the state offers great incentives to homeowners looking to switch to solar.

We understand that the world of solar can be confusing, especially with so many options and companies vying for your attention. That's why we're here to clarify the process and help you make the best decision for your home.

There are three main ways to go solar: purchasing, leasing, and entering into a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA). While we don't offer leasing or PPA options, and for good reason, we believe that purchasing a solar system is the most advantageous choice for homeowners. By purchasing your system, you can take advantage of a 30% federal tax rebate and enjoy fixed monthly costs that eventually end.

Solar financing options are highly competitive, with affordable terms and interest rates. Unlike your utility bill, which never ends, your solar loan will be paid off, and you'll become energy independent, saving money month over month. The only downside is that you may need to handle maintenance yourself, but solar panels typically require minimal upkeep throughout their 20-30 year lifespan.

The federal government encourages homeowners to go solar with a 30% tax rebate on the cost of your solar system. For example, if your system costs $30,000, you'll receive a $9,000 refund at tax time. The amount you receive depends on how much you paid in taxes the previous year.

If you also need a new roof, the cost of the roof replacement may be eligible for the 30% rebate if it's required to accommodate the solar system. This makes the combined monthly payment for a new roof and solar system more affordable than your existing utility bill, resulting in significant savings.

We hope this information helps you understand the benefits of purchasing a solar system from Tidal Remodeling. Our solar professionals are ready to answer your questions and design a custom solar solution tailored to your home and financial goals. Schedule your consultation today, and start enjoying the benefits of solar energy!

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